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Working with Time in Salesforce Apex

Salesforce Time

Salesforce Apex has a Time class that provides methods for creating Time instances, manipulating and comparing Time. The class represents the local time of day, independent of the date. Here is a detailed tutorial on how to use the Salesforce Time class:

Creating Time Instances

The Time class has a constructor that allows you to create Time instances. Here’s how to create a new Time instance:

Time myTime = Time.newInstance(15, 30, 45, 0); // 15:30:45.0
System.debug(myTime); // DEBUG|15:30:45.000Z

In the Time.newInstance() method, the parameters represent hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds respectively.

Getting Time Components

Once you have a Time instance, you can get the hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds components. Here is how to do it:

Integer hours = myTime.hour();
System.debug(hours); // DEBUG|15

Integer minutes = myTime.minute();
System.debug(minutes); // DEBUG|30

Integer seconds = myTime.second();
System.debug(seconds); // DEBUG|45

Integer milliseconds = myTime.millisecond();
System.debug(milliseconds); // DEBUG|0



Comparing Times

The Time class allows you to compare two Time instances using methods like equals(), before(), and after(). Here’s how to use them:

Time time1 = Time.newInstance(12, 0, 0, 0);
Time time2 = Time.newInstance(15, 30, 45, 0);

Boolean isEqual = time1.equals(time2);
System.debug(isEqual); // DEBUG|false

Boolean isBefore = time1.before(time2);
System.debug(isBefore); // DEBUG|true

Boolean isAfter = time1.after(time2);
System.debug(isAfter); // DEBUG|false



Adding and Subtracting Time

Here’s are a couple of examples:

// Adding time
Time myTime = Time.newInstance(1, 2, 3, 4);
Time expected = Time.newInstance(4, 2, 3, 4);
System.assertEquals(expected, myTime.addHours(3));

// Subtracting time
Time myTime = Time.newInstance(1, 2, 55, 0);
Time expected = Time.newInstance(1, 3, 5, 0);
System.assertEquals(expected, myTime.addSeconds(-10));


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