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Could not find related list [X] for entity [X]

Could not find related list [X] for entity [X]

Sometimes in building package versions, you may receive an error message that may be a little difficult to debug especially if your object has a lot of child relationships. If you receive an error message as follows:

Related_User_Lightning_RecordPage: Component [force:relatedListSingleContainer] attribute [relatedListApiName]: Could not find related list [LMI_Supported_User__r] for entity [Directory_User_Relationship__c]


In order to debug and get more information you can do:

DescribeSObjectResult describe = SObjectType.Directory_User_Relationship__c;
for (ChildRelationship relation : describe.getChildRelationships())

How to fix the JitPluginInstallError error using the SF command line utility

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