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Standard Metadata Types in Salesforce along with their API names

Salesforce Metadata types

Salesforce utilizes metadata to define and manage the configuration of its application. In Salesforce, metadata can represent everything from the structure of objects and fields to the layout of a user.


Standard Metadata Types along with their API names in Salesforce.

  1. ActionLinkGroupTemplate: ActionLinkGroupTemplate
  2. AnalyticsCloudComponentBundle: AnalyticsCloudComponentBundle
  3. ApexClass: ApexClass
  4. ApexComponent: ApexComponent
  5. ApexPage: ApexPage
  6. ApexTrigger: ApexTrigger
  7. AppMenu: AppMenu
  8. ApprovalProcess: ApprovalProcess
  9. AssignmentRules: AssignmentRules
  10. AuraDefinitionBundle: AuraDefinitionBundle
  11. AuthProvider: AuthProvider
  12. AutoResponseRules: AutoResponseRules
  13. BrandingSet: BrandingSet
  14. BusinessHours: BusinessHours
  15. CallCenter: CallCenter
  16. CampaignInfluenceModel: CampaignInfluenceModel
  17. CaseSettings: CaseSettings
  18. Certificate: Certificate
  19. ChannelLayout: ChannelLayout
  20. ChatterAnswersSettings: ChatterAnswersSettings
  21. CleanDataService: CleanDataService
  22. Community: Community
  23. CompactLayout: CompactLayout
  24. ConnectedApp: ConnectedApp
  25. ContactSharingRules: ContactSharingRules
  26. ContentAsset: ContentAsset
  27. CorsWhitelistOrigin: CorsWhitelistOrigin
  28. CustomApplication: CustomApplication
  29. CustomApplicationComponent: CustomApplicationComponent
  30. CustomDataType: CustomDataType
  31. CustomField: CustomField
  32. CustomFieldTranslation: CustomFieldTranslation
  33. CustomLabels: CustomLabels
  34. CustomMetadata: CustomMetadata
  35. CustomObject: CustomObject
  36. CustomObjectTranslation: CustomObjectTranslation
  37. CustomPageWebLink: CustomPageWebLink
  38. CustomPermission: CustomPermission
  39. CustomSite: CustomSite
  40. CustomTab: CustomTab
  41. Dashboard: Dashboard
  42. DataCategoryGroup: DataCategoryGroup
  43. DelegateGroup: DelegateGroup
  44. Document: Document
  45. DuplicateRule: DuplicateRule
  46. EmailServicesFunction: EmailServicesFunction
  47. EmbeddedServiceConfig: EmbeddedServiceConfig
  48. EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent: EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent
  49. EmbeddedServiceQuickAction: EmbeddedServiceQuickAction
  50. EntitlementProcess: EntitlementProcess
  51. EntitlementSettings: EntitlementSettings
  52. EscalationRules: EscalationRules
  53. EventDelivery: EventDelivery
  54. EventSubscription: EventSubscription
  55. EventType: EventType
  56. ExperienceBundle: ExperienceBundle
  57. ExternalDataSource: ExternalDataSource
  58. FieldSet: FieldSet
  59. FlexiPage: FlexiPage
  60. Flow: Flow
  61. FlowDefinition: FlowDefinition
  62. GlobalPicklist: GlobalPicklist
  63. GlobalValueSet: GlobalValueSet
  64. GlobalValueSetTranslation: GlobalValueSetTranslation
  65. Group: Group
  66. HomePageLayout: HomePageLayout
  67. InstalledPackage: InstalledPackage
  68. KeywordList: KeywordList
  69. KnowledgeSettings: KnowledgeSettings
  70. LeadConvertSettings: LeadConvertSettings
  71. Letterhead: Letterhead
  72. LightningBolt: LightningBolt
  73. LightningComponentBundle: LightningComponentBundle
  74. LiveChatAgentConfig: LiveChatAgentConfig
  75. LiveChatButton: LiveChatButton
  76. LiveChatDeployment: LiveChatDeployment
  77. LiveChatSensitiveDataRule: LiveChatSensitiveDataRule
  78. LiveChatTranscriptFields: LiveChatTranscriptFields
  79. LiveChatTranscriptMetadata: LiveChatTranscriptMetadata
  80. ManagedTopics: ManagedTopics
  81. MatchingRules: MatchingRules
  82. MilestoneType: Milestone


For the most updated and comprehensive list, always refer to the official Salesforce Metadata API Developer Guide.

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