Salesforce utilizes metadata to define and manage the configuration of its application. In Salesforce, metadata can represent everything from the structure of objects and fields to the layout of a user.
Standard Metadata Types along with their API names in Salesforce.
- ActionLinkGroupTemplate: ActionLinkGroupTemplate
- AnalyticsCloudComponentBundle: AnalyticsCloudComponentBundle
- ApexClass: ApexClass
- ApexComponent: ApexComponent
- ApexPage: ApexPage
- ApexTrigger: ApexTrigger
- AppMenu: AppMenu
- ApprovalProcess: ApprovalProcess
- AssignmentRules: AssignmentRules
- AuraDefinitionBundle: AuraDefinitionBundle
- AuthProvider: AuthProvider
- AutoResponseRules: AutoResponseRules
- BrandingSet: BrandingSet
- BusinessHours: BusinessHours
- CallCenter: CallCenter
- CampaignInfluenceModel: CampaignInfluenceModel
- CaseSettings: CaseSettings
- Certificate: Certificate
- ChannelLayout: ChannelLayout
- ChatterAnswersSettings: ChatterAnswersSettings
- CleanDataService: CleanDataService
- Community: Community
- CompactLayout: CompactLayout
- ConnectedApp: ConnectedApp
- ContactSharingRules: ContactSharingRules
- ContentAsset: ContentAsset
- CorsWhitelistOrigin: CorsWhitelistOrigin
- CustomApplication: CustomApplication
- CustomApplicationComponent: CustomApplicationComponent
- CustomDataType: CustomDataType
- CustomField: CustomField
- CustomFieldTranslation: CustomFieldTranslation
- CustomLabels: CustomLabels
- CustomMetadata: CustomMetadata
- CustomObject: CustomObject
- CustomObjectTranslation: CustomObjectTranslation
- CustomPageWebLink: CustomPageWebLink
- CustomPermission: CustomPermission
- CustomSite: CustomSite
- CustomTab: CustomTab
- Dashboard: Dashboard
- DataCategoryGroup: DataCategoryGroup
- DelegateGroup: DelegateGroup
- Document: Document
- DuplicateRule: DuplicateRule
- EmailServicesFunction: EmailServicesFunction
- EmbeddedServiceConfig: EmbeddedServiceConfig
- EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent: EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent
- EmbeddedServiceQuickAction: EmbeddedServiceQuickAction
- EntitlementProcess: EntitlementProcess
- EntitlementSettings: EntitlementSettings
- EscalationRules: EscalationRules
- EventDelivery: EventDelivery
- EventSubscription: EventSubscription
- EventType: EventType
- ExperienceBundle: ExperienceBundle
- ExternalDataSource: ExternalDataSource
- FieldSet: FieldSet
- FlexiPage: FlexiPage
- Flow: Flow
- FlowDefinition: FlowDefinition
- GlobalPicklist: GlobalPicklist
- GlobalValueSet: GlobalValueSet
- GlobalValueSetTranslation: GlobalValueSetTranslation
- Group: Group
- HomePageLayout: HomePageLayout
- InstalledPackage: InstalledPackage
- KeywordList: KeywordList
- KnowledgeSettings: KnowledgeSettings
- LeadConvertSettings: LeadConvertSettings
- Letterhead: Letterhead
- LightningBolt: LightningBolt
- LightningComponentBundle: LightningComponentBundle
- LiveChatAgentConfig: LiveChatAgentConfig
- LiveChatButton: LiveChatButton
- LiveChatDeployment: LiveChatDeployment
- LiveChatSensitiveDataRule: LiveChatSensitiveDataRule
- LiveChatTranscriptFields: LiveChatTranscriptFields
- LiveChatTranscriptMetadata: LiveChatTranscriptMetadata
- ManagedTopics: ManagedTopics
- MatchingRules: MatchingRules
- MilestoneType: Milestone
For the most updated and comprehensive list, always refer to the official Salesforce Metadata API Developer Guide.