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Salesforce End of Life of Permissions on Profiles

Salesforce recently announced that the Spring ’26 release would mark the end of life (EOL) for permissions on profiles. Cheryl Feldman (Product Manager at Salesforce) who is the pioneer behind this big transformation had something to say on her blog. Let’s dive into it. What is a profile? A user’s capabilities within Salesforce are determined… Read More »Salesforce End of Life of Permissions on Profiles

Salesforce Profiles

Profiles and Permission Sets in Salesforce

Profiles and Permission Sets are essential components in Salesforce that help in managing access control and user permissions. They work together to provide a flexible and granular security framework. Here’s a detailed analysis of both Profiles and Permission Sets in Salesforce: Profiles: A Profile is a collection of settings and permissions that determine what a… Read More »Profiles and Permission Sets in Salesforce

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